Mari-Ann + Ken

Unique yellow gold wedding rings covered with black rhodium

Material: yellow gold (covered with black rhodium)

This couple came to us with very different visions for their wedding rings, yet they both wanted the rings to share a similar design. Mari-Ann was set on a design she saw in our studio while browsing through the samples. Ken, on the other hand, was determined to have a black wedding ring. Unfortunately, the design Mari-Ann desired couldn’t technically be done with the black zirconium that Ken wanted. This meant a compromise was necessary.
We spent quite some time in our studio trying to figure out what the compromise should look like until I came up with an idea that they both loved instantly. I suggested making both rings from yellow gold (as the design Mari-Ann wanted could only be created with a castable material) and then coating the outer part of the rings with black rhodium.
While black rhodium is not something we usually recommend for wedding rings because the layer is thin and will wear off easily, it made sense for their rings. The rhodium would naturally wear off from the higher points of the rings and remain in the lower areas, meaning the design of their rings would evolve over time as they wear them, creating a unique and personal look.